carries beautiful looking, high-quality gold CD-Rs (recordable compact discs). We've all grown so accustomed to silver CDs that simply using gold CD-Rs will set you apart from the crowd. Our gold CD-Rs are manufactured by Mitsui, one of the most highly respected names in CDs today.
But "going gold" is more than just a matter of good looks and a distinctive style. MAM Gold CD-Rs from Mitsui are also more durable and longer lasting than ordinary CDs. These superior qualities have made them a favorite of music professionals. For masters and archived music/sound, nothing beats MAM Gold CD-Rs.
Ordinary CD-Rs employ the chemical cyanine. Cyanine is adversely affected by exposure to light and to high temperatures. Gold CD-Rs don't use cyanine, and are therefore more stable. They're also reinforced with a specialty coating (the Diamond Coat protection layer) that protects them from fingerprints and from scratching.
Tests have proven that MAM Gold CD-Rs can be relied on for 300 years of data and music storage. You'll find many different lengths and styles of these terrific MAM Gold CD-Rs at Each of these Gold CD-Rs uses patented (not to mention organic) Phthalocyanine dye. This special dye records rich, precise sound. The dye layer is the "active ingredient" in a CD-R; it's the layer in which information is recorded. Phthalocyanine dye is a superior dye which creates superior sound recording.